Saturday, April 12, 2014

Springtime Woes

I'm just as happy as the next person that this winter is finally over. November-April is 1/2 the year so I'd we're cutting it a bit close don'tcha think? Yay for sunshine and warm weather and no more wearing tons of layers, but their's somthing else on my public enemey hit-list with the #1 spot-allergies. For last 2 weeks I've seen people constantly rubbing their eyes making it red and look deathlike on top of that eye drops are making your skin peel off below your eyes and just overall makes your face look unfresh. Add chlorine into that mix and you have dry skin everywhere.

If you haven't figured it out yet I'm talking about me. I've had more than one awkward occasion where I've been asked," OMG are you okay? Are you crying? Or you don't look too good-are you sick?" It's endearing and embarassing when someone of the opposite sex asks if your okay. But I always answer with one word: Allergies. Which brings me to the case of what and what not to do.

First off, don't rub your eyes. If you rub your eyes your just helping the allergens spread even more. Secondly, wash your hands and your face as much as you can. Think of it as giving a shower to your germs so they get cleaned out. Don't put your finger in your eye if you have a white-semicircle on top of your pupil. That's pus and it's gonna come out of your tear duct. Eventually.

So what can you do? Well artificial tears like Systane helps by giving those allergens a shower. There are other specified eye drops for getting rid of the redness so your mom doesn't think you've been up all night. One thing that really works though is a cold compress. You take a washcloth or a hand towel soak it in cold water and press it on your eyelids for about 20 seconds on each eye. Then, you use it to clean inside the bottome of your eyelid and your lashes to make sure you don't have anything sticking on it.

Sometimes allergies and infections get confused. You could have conjuctivitis when you think it's the pollen to blame. The best thing you can do though with any type of  bacterial infection though is to let it run it's course. Paitience is key. I just want you to know I feel your pain. It'll go away soon just remember: Keep those hands clean and off!