Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Once upon a time when life stopped

Recently, I reconnected with this TV show that I watched the first couple of episodes, and then forget about it because you know school gets in the way, but I realized that this TV show however weird and messed up that it is it's what every person achieves to be. A hero. A dreamer-whose dreams actually happen. And that good always wins. No matter what, even in this sucktastic reality that we live in. There is this one exchanging of words that what Jefferson says, played by Sebastian Stan(ahh the Winter Soldier!), that really stuck with me:

1x17 "Hat Trick"
Emma: History books are based on history
Jefferson: And storybooks are based on what? Imagination. Where does that come from? It has to come from somewhere. You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic. 

Honestly, how many times have you ever wanted something, so bad, and you know that if you just get it, get that one thing, you'll never ask again and be a good little girl and get your happily ever after. You know what though? It just feeds you even more. So you want more. It never ever stops and you'll always be chasing that happily ever after that never comes. And I think Jefferson found the answer. 

We're obviously not as open-minded as we think we are. If we were then the world would have a lot less problems. LGBT rights wouldn't be a issue. If your brain dead and your relatives can't take it anymore because you're gone then they would be able to stop those machines. If you want to be a mother or not, why the hell do you need permission to abort or keep that child? If you don't want to marry some guy your father wants you to how is that going to get any better by killing you so you can't marry anyone?  Why do we have to fight for everything?

 And I know you guys think I'm screwed somewhere in my head(who knows? maybe I am?), but hear me out anyways. Maybe magic doesn't exist. At least, not as something palpable. But feelings do exist and so do choices. Everyone has a choice. You have your own mind. Don't let anybody make your decision. Hear them out. Hear their opinions. Take them into account. Make your choice. Part instinct, part practical, part what the hell.

 The one thing that will always screw you over though is not making a choice. Sitting around waiting for something to happen. True love doesn't come knocking on your door. Either does opportunity. I'm not telling you that we're going to end up being heroes. I'm telling you that I'd rather be on a road of hoping to be one  and going forwards, backwards, flying. leaping, stepping, crawling, clawing, but never stopping. 

And if you still don't believe me. Don't forget imagination, that thing in your head, your dreams, they have to come from somewhere,but it's up to you to act on them. Don't wish upon a star, find the star and make it yours :)

P.S. Because this show is awesome( I love it!) Thank you ABC and Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. I leave you with a video with a badass Snow White: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_kp7dUJs8k