Saturday, July 26, 2014


Honestly speaking, I've never been a big fan of anime. I've always thought of it to be really weird and avoided it. Me and Anime kept our distance and never crossed paths like perfect train tracks, well, that's not entirely true, since now that I have I absolutely love it. I've only watched the one show-Fairytail-as you can tell by the title of this post. And yes I spelled it correctly. This is not your ordinary kind of Fairytale though you definitely wish it was true. It's magical and wondrous and has a lot of epic battles.

I got into it at summer camp when a friend of mine was watching it at night chill time and I curious as ever( Curiouser and Curiouser xD) decided to find out what was up. I ended up watching the entire thing and then it sort of became our nightly ritual. Even though she was more than a 100 episodes in and I had no idea what was going on. It was still pretty awesome, and I loved it and enjoyed it whole-heartedly. Thankfully, she's a terrific and patient explainer.

The basic concept of the story is that in this  kingdom called Fiore there are different cities like Magnolia where magical guilds reside. These guilds like Fairytail are a place for wizards to come in and take job requests that require magical help since not everybody in Fiore possesses magical talent. The story starts of with Lucy, a Celestial Spirit Mage, keen to join a guild(she's got her heart set pretty tight on Fairytail)  meets Natsu, a Fire Dragonslayer wizard who is from Fairytail unknown to her at the time. Stuff happens and Natsu takes Lucy to Fairytail where she joins up and the madness of magicalness starts. That's the basic premise of the show. 

What I've noticed about the show is that is has some major story arcs with some awesome opening and ending themes. Each one is usually with a certain group of enemies that may evolve with time at a certain place. Between these major story arcs, there are short filler ones sort of just for fun. I've never seen a show do that before, but I think it's good to take a break. It provides some hilarious entertainment and more insight into characters. 

Now's probably a good time as any to tell you that Fairytail is a Japanese show. Therefore they have English Subtitles, but what I watch are English Dubbed episodes. True, you're not up to the latest one, but the dubbed versions are only a little less than 2 major story arcs behind.  I don't mind waiting until the next group of dubbed episodes come out which is October 28th by the way. If you want to watch dubbed, subbed, or even original episodes here's the link:

The reason I got so hooked on the show was because of the characters. All of them are so unique and different and you get to learn about so many of them. Everyone has an intriguing back story which adds depth and character to their character(no pun intended xD). The Fairytail members all have such strong bonds each other they are truly like a family and they act like one too. It just the makes show more relatable and lovable. Despite every evil that gets in the way, they will overcome it, because of their heart and their love for Fairytail. They aren't just fighting against evil or for revenge. They're fighting for their guild, it's reputation, and most importantly for each other-for their friends, for their family. It sounds a bit cheesy doesn't it? But when I watched it that thought didn't even cross my mind. The way they've created the plot and the characters is simply amazing. So, thank you Hiro Mashima for creating the manga so the show could even happen.

And finally, the enduring question of the day,"Do fairies have tails?" ;) 

P.S. I love the show that doesn't mean that you will to. I am simply sharing my thoughts and opinions on the show whether or not you watch it or even like it that's your own opinion.