Friday, August 22, 2014

Ticking Time Bomb

How many times in your life have you been asked, “(insert your name here), what do you want to be when you grow up?” Some people have got it all figured out. They know what they want to do and how they’re going to do it. Then, there are other people who have a basic idea of a job they might want to do or know a general idea of what they want to major in. That’s awesome you guys-virtual clapping and high-fives and other various forms of admiration. I don’t know squat.

I literally have no idea. And that’s absolutely okay. Planning is good, but in my experience, when you have a set plan (especially a plan-known as your future) and things don’t go your way-it’s going to hit you hard, right where it hurts-which is everywhere unless you have bones and muscles of admantium. Personally, I believe having a clean slate and an open mind with no structure at all pulling you down gives more room for finding and doing something you are truly passionate about, and not something that you’re doing just because you’ll get a good living off of it, but have no interest in whatsoever.

But this could also be me just trying to convince myself that it’s going to be okay and that high school and college will help me figure things out. Is it so hard to believe that there’s that one perfect job, that you love and are so passionate about-it’s what you always dreamed of and everything’s so damn perfect it’s ridiculous. You make enough money of it. It’s awesome and everything’s great. And you’re happy. So happy. Is that wishful thinking or higher dreaming? 

I sure hope there is-she types as she crosses her fingers so tight they’ll freeze blood flow-permanently. That would be really bad-let’s not go there. It’s stupid to worry about this stuff as a freshman, I know, there’s a lot of time still. Fact is, there’s not. This year went by so fast. It was insane. And this summer even faster. It’s like the older I get time gets faster instead of slower. I always thought being old meant time slowed down for you because life was letting you enjoy and experience things before you died, but it doesn’t. And that scares the shit out of me. It feels like I’m sprinting in a race with a finish line that I can see, but it’s not for the race I’m in. It’s for some other race that I wasn't invited too. 

Too late to change races now. The main thing is to do something with the time that you are given. Something stupid. Something wrong. Something crazy. Something amazing. Something your mom will yell at you for-and your brother will copy-and your friends will give you that look-you know what look I’m talking about. Something small and insignificant. It doesn’t have to be stupendous and award-winning and the crème de la crème of all things. It just has to be something. Something that is worthwhile to you.  That’s one of the main reasons why I write this blog. I hope y’all find that something