Saturday, December 13, 2014


You know when you do something that you're really not supposed to do, or you convince yourself that it really is, in fact, the right thing to do, you end up doing it all the while feeling the high of the rush slowly wear off. Impulsivity strikes us in the high and a good fable will tell you that you'll come to regret it later. Or your parents will. I think though that without impulses or instincts would we ever find out who we really are?

If our life was always turgid. We'd flat line and we'd be dead. Not dead dead. But dead. Under pressure. Split-second choices. Blank minded decisions. Without these opportunities, what would we live for? I don't have an answer, but I do know that we would live with: Boredom. Quite literally. And that's one roommate nobody signs up for.