Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Today? Yes, Please!

After Thanksgiving, nobody wants to go back to school. Trust me, not your teachers, professors, or you. Your mom or dad doesn't want to wake up at 6 am to drive you to school and I'm sure the bus driver would love to wake up naturally with no alarm at a decent time as well. Let's be real here: even the Sun hits the snooze in the winter. So why can't we? Well, unlike the sun the human population must continue to work till glorious winter break basically the best time of the entire year: no school, Christmas, and New Years. It's practically heaven. Don't get too carried away just yet though. I know it's hard. I'm feeling holiday withdrawal symptoms, too. The reality the holidays aren't here yet. Finals are coming up. You're taking your last tests of your grading period. Life is stressful. When life gets hard, it's easier to run away to la-la land and be a couch potato watching reruns of One Tree Hill.

Now that you're older, nobody's going to be pushing you to get your crap done. You have to do it yourself. You have to motivate yourself. At this crucial point in the year, know yourself and figure out what it takes to get your butt of the bed into a chair to do the math homework you've postponing since last week. Am I hypocrite? Yeah, a little bit. I mean, I'm typing this is in my bed aren't I? Plus, I've been TV-binging just as much as the next person. I procrastinate, but whatever needs to be done, I get done, somehow.

 Everyone's different, but for me writing lists helps. The pleasure of crossing something off your list makes you feel accomplished and a little bubble of happiness grows as you get more stuff done. Sometimes if you're not in the right head space and just feel done and don't want to do anything, write something down that you've recently done and cross it off. This will help jump-start the happy bubble.

Other than writing lists, I listen to music. Listen to something that pumps you up and play it loud. Dance it out in your room, bathroom, stuffed closet, hallway, with a teddy bear, naked or whatever. Dance it out until you feel loose and you're smiling. Sing as loud as you can. Don't worry about feeling embarassed. Close the windows if you do. If nobody sees you, it's just you and this is about you. This is you trying to figure out how to motivate yourself so who gives a damn about what anyone else thinks?

Those are just some of things I do, personally, but everyone has their own quirks. Maybe drinking milk makes you feel un-defeatable or doing squats or sleeping. Who knows, but you? Find out what works for you and do you!  Don't let the winter blues get you down when the holidays are coming around. Work hard for a little while, so at the end of the year you can smile. I'm making these cheesy rhymes, hopefully it's not a felony or a crime. I'll leave you with a quote, just remember, do what floats your boat :)