Saturday, March 26, 2016

Time to Run Away?

Lately, I've had a lot of time to myself. In the future, I'll probably look back to to this time in my life as a low. I have been finding it a really hard time to motivate myself to do stuff which has led to a cycle of regrets. I eventually get everything done on time, but I've been stressing myself out about everything lately. The more I feel stressed out, the more I retreat and keep away from doing stuff. I think I feel like if I try to do anything, I'll mess up. Looking like a fool and failure-that about describes me right now. This internal stress is very unhealthy. Couple the stress with a lack of a sleep and a non-existent consistent schedule, you've got yourself a recipe for a trip to the doctor. This can lead to a number of things like acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease. The point isn't being superhuman and stepping into disaster, but being happy and healthy so you can avoid disaster.

 The best cure right now is to: STOP THINKING...about the future
 People get so caught up in what will happen later and try to plan everything out to the most insignificant detail that it ends up affecting your current life.

 If your current life is negatively affected, can you achieve the future you envisioned in the first place?

Each day in our life is precious. I don't think it's right to treat a day that hasn't even come yet with
special importance because after all "No day shall erase you from the memory of time," (Virgil). 

Lecturing you to manage your time isn't going to make much of a difference because that's an internal hurdle you'll have to overcome. Been there, done that. The best advice I can give you is to suck it up and get through it. While the choices you make in life may be like a box of chocolates, the path you walk on life isn't. It's bittersweet. It's never a ride unless you don't care. If you don't care, you get to live in the illusion of happiness while all others around you appear to be pitiable creatures of suffering. So many times I've wanted to be one of those people who doesn't care about anything. Life would be so much easier. Think about it though, if our ancestors just stood around when civilization was coming about, we would still be without all the technology, entertainment, culture, etc... we take for granted. We owe it to ourselves, to not regret our path of life later on. Nobody can be perfect, but that doesn't mean that everybody's infinitely imperfect either.

The struggle of our generation is walking the path of life in-between technology and humanity. We must remain emotional as human beings are, but continue to advance with technology. However, that's a mountain to climb later. Today, right now, wherever you are-listen to yourself and your struggles. Grow to know yourself. Everyone always says be kind to others. That's a moral act, but there's another thing you shouldn't forget-be kind to yourself :)

Current Obsessions:
Music- Sia(Cheap Thrills), Mystery (Jung Dong Ha), KNK (Knock), Cake By the Ocean, Jaejoong's NO.X Album
TV Show- Descendants of the Sun
Book-reading it for class, but love it (Les Miserables)
Food: Salt Caramel Gelato

Run Away-Jaejoong (Yes, it's a love song, but the calm and longing feeling it exudes gives me chills and a peace of mind)