Saturday, December 13, 2014


You know when you do something that you're really not supposed to do, or you convince yourself that it really is, in fact, the right thing to do, you end up doing it all the while feeling the high of the rush slowly wear off. Impulsivity strikes us in the high and a good fable will tell you that you'll come to regret it later. Or your parents will. I think though that without impulses or instincts would we ever find out who we really are?

If our life was always turgid. We'd flat line and we'd be dead. Not dead dead. But dead. Under pressure. Split-second choices. Blank minded decisions. Without these opportunities, what would we live for? I don't have an answer, but I do know that we would live with: Boredom. Quite literally. And that's one roommate nobody signs up for.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Ticking Time Bomb

How many times in your life have you been asked, “(insert your name here), what do you want to be when you grow up?” Some people have got it all figured out. They know what they want to do and how they’re going to do it. Then, there are other people who have a basic idea of a job they might want to do or know a general idea of what they want to major in. That’s awesome you guys-virtual clapping and high-fives and other various forms of admiration. I don’t know squat.

I literally have no idea. And that’s absolutely okay. Planning is good, but in my experience, when you have a set plan (especially a plan-known as your future) and things don’t go your way-it’s going to hit you hard, right where it hurts-which is everywhere unless you have bones and muscles of admantium. Personally, I believe having a clean slate and an open mind with no structure at all pulling you down gives more room for finding and doing something you are truly passionate about, and not something that you’re doing just because you’ll get a good living off of it, but have no interest in whatsoever.

But this could also be me just trying to convince myself that it’s going to be okay and that high school and college will help me figure things out. Is it so hard to believe that there’s that one perfect job, that you love and are so passionate about-it’s what you always dreamed of and everything’s so damn perfect it’s ridiculous. You make enough money of it. It’s awesome and everything’s great. And you’re happy. So happy. Is that wishful thinking or higher dreaming? 

I sure hope there is-she types as she crosses her fingers so tight they’ll freeze blood flow-permanently. That would be really bad-let’s not go there. It’s stupid to worry about this stuff as a freshman, I know, there’s a lot of time still. Fact is, there’s not. This year went by so fast. It was insane. And this summer even faster. It’s like the older I get time gets faster instead of slower. I always thought being old meant time slowed down for you because life was letting you enjoy and experience things before you died, but it doesn’t. And that scares the shit out of me. It feels like I’m sprinting in a race with a finish line that I can see, but it’s not for the race I’m in. It’s for some other race that I wasn't invited too. 

Too late to change races now. The main thing is to do something with the time that you are given. Something stupid. Something wrong. Something crazy. Something amazing. Something your mom will yell at you for-and your brother will copy-and your friends will give you that look-you know what look I’m talking about. Something small and insignificant. It doesn’t have to be stupendous and award-winning and the crème de la crème of all things. It just has to be something. Something that is worthwhile to you.  That’s one of the main reasons why I write this blog. I hope y’all find that something

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Honestly speaking, I've never been a big fan of anime. I've always thought of it to be really weird and avoided it. Me and Anime kept our distance and never crossed paths like perfect train tracks, well, that's not entirely true, since now that I have I absolutely love it. I've only watched the one show-Fairytail-as you can tell by the title of this post. And yes I spelled it correctly. This is not your ordinary kind of Fairytale though you definitely wish it was true. It's magical and wondrous and has a lot of epic battles.

I got into it at summer camp when a friend of mine was watching it at night chill time and I curious as ever( Curiouser and Curiouser xD) decided to find out what was up. I ended up watching the entire thing and then it sort of became our nightly ritual. Even though she was more than a 100 episodes in and I had no idea what was going on. It was still pretty awesome, and I loved it and enjoyed it whole-heartedly. Thankfully, she's a terrific and patient explainer.

The basic concept of the story is that in this  kingdom called Fiore there are different cities like Magnolia where magical guilds reside. These guilds like Fairytail are a place for wizards to come in and take job requests that require magical help since not everybody in Fiore possesses magical talent. The story starts of with Lucy, a Celestial Spirit Mage, keen to join a guild(she's got her heart set pretty tight on Fairytail)  meets Natsu, a Fire Dragonslayer wizard who is from Fairytail unknown to her at the time. Stuff happens and Natsu takes Lucy to Fairytail where she joins up and the madness of magicalness starts. That's the basic premise of the show. 

What I've noticed about the show is that is has some major story arcs with some awesome opening and ending themes. Each one is usually with a certain group of enemies that may evolve with time at a certain place. Between these major story arcs, there are short filler ones sort of just for fun. I've never seen a show do that before, but I think it's good to take a break. It provides some hilarious entertainment and more insight into characters. 

Now's probably a good time as any to tell you that Fairytail is a Japanese show. Therefore they have English Subtitles, but what I watch are English Dubbed episodes. True, you're not up to the latest one, but the dubbed versions are only a little less than 2 major story arcs behind.  I don't mind waiting until the next group of dubbed episodes come out which is October 28th by the way. If you want to watch dubbed, subbed, or even original episodes here's the link:

The reason I got so hooked on the show was because of the characters. All of them are so unique and different and you get to learn about so many of them. Everyone has an intriguing back story which adds depth and character to their character(no pun intended xD). The Fairytail members all have such strong bonds each other they are truly like a family and they act like one too. It just the makes show more relatable and lovable. Despite every evil that gets in the way, they will overcome it, because of their heart and their love for Fairytail. They aren't just fighting against evil or for revenge. They're fighting for their guild, it's reputation, and most importantly for each other-for their friends, for their family. It sounds a bit cheesy doesn't it? But when I watched it that thought didn't even cross my mind. The way they've created the plot and the characters is simply amazing. So, thank you Hiro Mashima for creating the manga so the show could even happen.

And finally, the enduring question of the day,"Do fairies have tails?" ;) 

P.S. I love the show that doesn't mean that you will to. I am simply sharing my thoughts and opinions on the show whether or not you watch it or even like it that's your own opinion.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Once upon a time when life stopped

Recently, I reconnected with this TV show that I watched the first couple of episodes, and then forget about it because you know school gets in the way, but I realized that this TV show however weird and messed up that it is it's what every person achieves to be. A hero. A dreamer-whose dreams actually happen. And that good always wins. No matter what, even in this sucktastic reality that we live in. There is this one exchanging of words that what Jefferson says, played by Sebastian Stan(ahh the Winter Soldier!), that really stuck with me:

1x17 "Hat Trick"
Emma: History books are based on history
Jefferson: And storybooks are based on what? Imagination. Where does that come from? It has to come from somewhere. You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic. 

Honestly, how many times have you ever wanted something, so bad, and you know that if you just get it, get that one thing, you'll never ask again and be a good little girl and get your happily ever after. You know what though? It just feeds you even more. So you want more. It never ever stops and you'll always be chasing that happily ever after that never comes. And I think Jefferson found the answer. 

We're obviously not as open-minded as we think we are. If we were then the world would have a lot less problems. LGBT rights wouldn't be a issue. If your brain dead and your relatives can't take it anymore because you're gone then they would be able to stop those machines. If you want to be a mother or not, why the hell do you need permission to abort or keep that child? If you don't want to marry some guy your father wants you to how is that going to get any better by killing you so you can't marry anyone?  Why do we have to fight for everything?

 And I know you guys think I'm screwed somewhere in my head(who knows? maybe I am?), but hear me out anyways. Maybe magic doesn't exist. At least, not as something palpable. But feelings do exist and so do choices. Everyone has a choice. You have your own mind. Don't let anybody make your decision. Hear them out. Hear their opinions. Take them into account. Make your choice. Part instinct, part practical, part what the hell.

 The one thing that will always screw you over though is not making a choice. Sitting around waiting for something to happen. True love doesn't come knocking on your door. Either does opportunity. I'm not telling you that we're going to end up being heroes. I'm telling you that I'd rather be on a road of hoping to be one  and going forwards, backwards, flying. leaping, stepping, crawling, clawing, but never stopping. 

And if you still don't believe me. Don't forget imagination, that thing in your head, your dreams, they have to come from somewhere,but it's up to you to act on them. Don't wish upon a star, find the star and make it yours :)

P.S. Because this show is awesome( I love it!) Thank you ABC and Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. I leave you with a video with a badass Snow White:

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Springtime Woes

I'm just as happy as the next person that this winter is finally over. November-April is 1/2 the year so I'd we're cutting it a bit close don'tcha think? Yay for sunshine and warm weather and no more wearing tons of layers, but their's somthing else on my public enemey hit-list with the #1 spot-allergies. For last 2 weeks I've seen people constantly rubbing their eyes making it red and look deathlike on top of that eye drops are making your skin peel off below your eyes and just overall makes your face look unfresh. Add chlorine into that mix and you have dry skin everywhere.

If you haven't figured it out yet I'm talking about me. I've had more than one awkward occasion where I've been asked," OMG are you okay? Are you crying? Or you don't look too good-are you sick?" It's endearing and embarassing when someone of the opposite sex asks if your okay. But I always answer with one word: Allergies. Which brings me to the case of what and what not to do.

First off, don't rub your eyes. If you rub your eyes your just helping the allergens spread even more. Secondly, wash your hands and your face as much as you can. Think of it as giving a shower to your germs so they get cleaned out. Don't put your finger in your eye if you have a white-semicircle on top of your pupil. That's pus and it's gonna come out of your tear duct. Eventually.

So what can you do? Well artificial tears like Systane helps by giving those allergens a shower. There are other specified eye drops for getting rid of the redness so your mom doesn't think you've been up all night. One thing that really works though is a cold compress. You take a washcloth or a hand towel soak it in cold water and press it on your eyelids for about 20 seconds on each eye. Then, you use it to clean inside the bottome of your eyelid and your lashes to make sure you don't have anything sticking on it.

Sometimes allergies and infections get confused. You could have conjuctivitis when you think it's the pollen to blame. The best thing you can do though with any type of  bacterial infection though is to let it run it's course. Paitience is key. I just want you to know I feel your pain. It'll go away soon just remember: Keep those hands clean and off!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Ouote this"-Calling all book aficionados

Books. It's hard for me to imagine a life without books. Truth be told, it's impossible. Books make me who I am. They are the building blocks of my mind-yes I know what atoms are-but have you ever heard the term food for the soul? That's what books are to me. They fill my soul and expand my mind. A living, breathing, essential part of my life. And since I have been on hiatus of reading for fun and just now got reconnected with that side of me I've decided to share some brilliant, 100% true quotes about reading as well as some of the books  I've been reading or meaning to read.

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” 
― Oscar Wilde(a pleasure that can't be matched)

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” 
― Jorge Luis Borges(that would be my dream paradise, too!)

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” 
― Cicero(we would've gotten along :D)

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” 
― Neil GaimanCoraline(don't you ever forget it, bad people do exist,but so does karma ;)

Books I've been reading:

  1. Night by Elie Wiesel(Absolutely shocking and heart-wrenching, simplistically horrifying, loved it!)
  2. Fateful by Claudia Gray(Thrilling read with a touch of history and romance)
  3. Leviathan by Scott Westerfield(Steampunk WWI, gripping, weird, unusual, and funny!)  
Books I want to read:

  1. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
  2. Fangirl/Eleanor & Park-Rainbow Rowell
  3. Hollow City-Ransom Riggs
  4. Wonder-R.J. Palacio
  5. The 5th Wave-Rick Yancey
If you've read any of these books or have more quotes related to books or have any other books I should read comment below and let me know your thoughts :) 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Blurred Lines has Blurred Minds!

As a person who listens to the radio every time their in the car, I obviously play 96.5 and 95.7 quite a lot. Those are usually the stations that play the "hip and upcoming" music. As a teenager I look up to musicians. Let me rephrase that. I look up to good musicians. Before you go all Hulk on me, hear me out. I know that "good" is a rather generic word and it's categorized differently by every person according to their taste. For me a good musician has to have 3 things:
1) Good beats, music has to be ear-pleasing, and of course catchy
2) Have to have different sort of songs-ex: every song can't be about love and sadness
3) Lyrics can't be trashy

Which brings me to Blurred Lines sang by Robin Thicke. 

Check this out- and you also maybe don't want to check out the video for this song which got an age limit of 18 on YouTube because of well....I'll let you figure that out. 

If you know the lyrics then you should be well on your way. No I'm not here to ram Robin Thicke or any of the other writers. I am solely here to express my opinion. I will agree that this song was catchy. If it was playing on the radio I would probably start singing along. But the meaning of this song is completely vulgar. Robin Thicke co-wrote Blurred Lines with did T.I and Pharrell Williams-who side note gave his $200 Grammy hat for auction on Ebay. So it's up for grabs. May the odds be ever in your favor. 

Back to what I was saying. He wrote the song. And to me that just gives him an ick factor. Who writes that? If you haven't checked the lyrics yet, go check them because you're about to get some spoilers. This song is about prostitution. Domesticating women as they say.. To all those people who still think “Blurred Lines” is for the feminist movement, please comment your opinion below. I would love to hear why. Worst part is it's not even hidden. All the words out there plain in the open so no deciphering is required. "What rhymes with hug me?" Gee, I don’t know. There is no deeper meaning to it. If there was I would've thought there would be a video supporting women, yet the video does the exact opposite. 

One last thing: Good job Robin Thicke you and Miley Cyrus have made 2013 one of the most controversial years of the 21st century!

P.S. No that wasn't sarcasm. Controversy creates opinions. The world would be rather boring if everyone thought the same don't you think?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Real Apocalypse of Humans-OSMD or Obsessive Social Media Disorder

Check out this video: I Forgot My Phone above 

You can sum up the answer to that in 5 words. Obsessive attachment to social media.  All these networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and even Blogger are great places to connect and to express yourself. But there’s a limit to everything.  You have a bad case of OSMD when you’re in your bedroom and you turn around to your side-table to grab your phone, but it’s not there. You realize you left it downstairs and initially decide I’m not going to get it. But after a while of tossing and turning with no solace of sleep you accept defeat and trudge down the stairs to get the phone. You and I both know how that story ends. Sleepless nights. No focus in the morning. You crash as soon as you come home and you repeat the process again without really learning anything.

 A lot of you might get mad, but the truth is social media has become an addiction. To teenagers most definitely, but also to the older generation. We are so attached to our products that they have become our‘kids’.  Simple questions like what’d you do this weekend or eat last night, also how was the dance, and oh did your swim team win have become forbidden territory. The person you’re talking to would probably give you a weird look and answer with, “You didn’t see my pics on Instagram or tweets or status updates?” If you shake your head then I truly admire you to not be sucked into my whirlpool side. I’ll give you a hint: starts with an o ends with an e and I’ve used the word already.

Question is once you start how do you stop? For starters don’t sleep with your phone. I’ve started putting my phone in a basket with all my books to read so I have get up and dig through to find it in the morning. That way I wake up, but at the same time I’m not tempted to grab it. I used to charge my laptop in my room, but somehow I would end up watching an episode of Modern Family or a movie. So now I charge it in my study room. 

Seven tips to show social media who’s boss:
  1. Set a tab limit
  2. Delete your bookmarks for those websites
  3. Set your phone on silent when working(Turn off volume for laptop)
  4. Log out every time you go on Facebook, Twitter, etc…
  5. Keep social media between close circles(You don’t need a 1000 friends on Facebook to prove that your popular)-this will save you a lot of time when scrolling through newsfeed
  6. Always finish your work and then go on Facebook, etc…
  7. Or If you really need a break between studying for two different tests or a major project then go talk to someone or listen to music that’s not online*
 *Really it’s only YouTube because I personally end up starting with music and ending up with funny videos. So no online music got it?

I hope these tips help all of you currently struggling through OSMD.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pick,Choose, Move On, Repeat

It's Sunday afternoon and you’re at home on your bed with your laptop. And you’re squinting at your screen in utter frustration. YouTube’s on one tab. If you went through your history you'd have at least 20 trailers. Sound familiar? You have so many options for movies, but you can't choose one. This happens every time I walk into an ice-cream shop. Maybe I shouldn't take coffee this time. Maybe I'll branch out to Rocky Road or Reeses. Should I? What if it doesn't taste good? That would be a complete waste of money. By then, the lines moving along and I'm panicking. I have to make a choice. Now. Right now. So I say, “A regular sized cup coffee," just like the 15 other times I’ve come. Way to try something new right?! Crossed a flavor of my bucket list? No and no. I say it’s time to start turning those no's into yes's. The only way to do that is to find one course of action in the least possible amount of time.  

Here are a couple tips to narrow down your options:

1) Go by the attractiveness of the plot line so you aren't stuck watching another stereotypical action or revenge movie
2) Don't be biased of the casting. Just because it has a bunch of big-shots and Oscar winners doesn't necessarily make it a movie that you'd enjoy
3) Try picking a movie just by its poster
4) Or my favorite way-watch whatever’s playing because sometimes you might turn up with something good(no this isn’t cheesy, honestly I watched Man of Steel this way and it was pretty darn good)
5)*If you pick a sucky movie, it’s not the last movie you’ll ever watch

So fellow people who spend a lot of time with the screen in front of them, take my advice or don’t. Either way I hope you end up watching a good movie today!

Good website to see what movies are playing or coming up-