Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pick,Choose, Move On, Repeat

It's Sunday afternoon and you’re at home on your bed with your laptop. And you’re squinting at your screen in utter frustration. YouTube’s on one tab. If you went through your history you'd have at least 20 trailers. Sound familiar? You have so many options for movies, but you can't choose one. This happens every time I walk into an ice-cream shop. Maybe I shouldn't take coffee this time. Maybe I'll branch out to Rocky Road or Reeses. Should I? What if it doesn't taste good? That would be a complete waste of money. By then, the lines moving along and I'm panicking. I have to make a choice. Now. Right now. So I say, “A regular sized cup coffee," just like the 15 other times I’ve come. Way to try something new right?! Crossed a flavor of my bucket list? No and no. I say it’s time to start turning those no's into yes's. The only way to do that is to find one course of action in the least possible amount of time.  

Here are a couple tips to narrow down your options:

1) Go by the attractiveness of the plot line so you aren't stuck watching another stereotypical action or revenge movie
2) Don't be biased of the casting. Just because it has a bunch of big-shots and Oscar winners doesn't necessarily make it a movie that you'd enjoy
3) Try picking a movie just by its poster
4) Or my favorite way-watch whatever’s playing because sometimes you might turn up with something good(no this isn’t cheesy, honestly I watched Man of Steel this way and it was pretty darn good)
5)*If you pick a sucky movie, it’s not the last movie you’ll ever watch

So fellow people who spend a lot of time with the screen in front of them, take my advice or don’t. Either way I hope you end up watching a good movie today!

Good website to see what movies are playing or coming up-http://www.movieinsider.com/movies/-/2014/

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