Monday, February 23, 2015

Let the Door be AJar

Did you miss last night? The glitter, the dazzle, the class, and the naked golden statues make up one of the most, if not the most, prestigious awards night for film. Watching the Oscars always remind me how unclassy I am. I've never even heard of these films, but then again there are some I root for whether or not I've watched it or not. American Sniper. The Grand Budapest Hotel. And The Theory of Everything. 

My favorite moment? Well, I think Eddie Redmayne is bloody brilliant so I was right glad he got what he deserved-a naked golden statue. More importantly, I learned that Stephen Hawking is living with ALS. I'd always assumed he'd just been paralyzed, but now I hope that bandwagoning challenge with buckets of cold ice water done early last fall helped in some way. If not to raise money directly at least to spread the message. That's one step forward and I'm sure the next steps are being taken down a new, better road. I just want you guys to know that if you did the challenge last year, just on a whim, or because you got nominated and didn't want to pay-you did make a contribution and I hope later on we can all make a bigger one. People know what ALS is now and how it can impact lives of those with it and those around them. This is true for any disease, grief, or sorrow. It hurts us, but we mustn't forget it hurts the people around us as well.

My friends and I were talking about the phrase,"Go kill yourself," and how flippantly people use it nowadays. I think it's an effrontery with the casual way it's being thrown around. You can't just tell people that. It's not right. Imagine if they did die. They did what you said. You might have not meant it, but you did say it and now, that comment is going stay in that person's mind and grow and grow and grow. It won't stop catalyzing until it spreads like a disease and one day they can't take it anymore, because of that one thought, "Go kill yourself" is all consuming and it resides as the mind's permanent guest. 3 little words can condemn your thoughts to a prison of self-loathing and acceptance of the impossible: your self-worth? worthless. dirt would cost more. 

Truth sets you free, but truth reached by lies is a lie in itself and it entraps you, luring you deeper. If anyone has ever made you feel worthless, if anyone has ever called you a bitch, or spread a rumour about you that humiliated you. Don't you dare shame yourself because others are shameless with their words. Remember, everyone can own a gun, but not everyone can pull the trigger, and not everyone is meant to. The user decides the fate, not the weapon. The minds of human beings are their greatest assets and their greatest enemies. They can open doorways or close in all around you. Don't be shy to ask for help and to tell your truth, not the ones people have made you believe and that your own mind is feeding you. If you ever need to talk, let me know. I'm only a message away :) 

Robin Williams is gone and I don't understand why he did what he did, but he was someone I admired and will always admire because of his tenacity of hope and color in such a practical world.I want you to hear and read his words because they're the universal truth,-uncovuluted and pure as a newborn-so scream them with your anger, with your passion"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." Scream the truth!

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