Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Merrily we fall out of line, out of line"

As honesty goes, I'm a pretty honest person and I can say truly, from bottom recesses of my heart that my last post sucked. Really bad. It makes no sense. Its incoherent and just jumbled stream of consciousness. I just needed an outlet and I blogged. Ironically, it’s probably as real as I'll ever be. Typing through the computer into the cloud is a solitary job. The trick is getting the people on the other side to connect with you through a screen miles and miles away. I didn't give my blog justice. So here's a 2.0 shot.

Recently, I've been listening to a lot of music, you know, trying to figure out what I like. So when people ask me the question," What do you listen to?" I don't have to answer back with a shrug of shoulders and a casual," Oh, everything." Which is absolutely not true. I don't listen to everything. If All About the Bass is playing on the radio, I will change the station before Meghan Trainor can utter the words Bass another time. I've realized I'm a coward. I'm a shy person. I'm outgoing around certain people, but as soon as I see a person taking control of a conversation. I'll submit and just be quiet. And now I've become this person who really doesn't have any individual interests. Music? Whatever my friends listen to. Movies, books-same exact damn thing. (New Year's Resolution-not to curse totally working out....) Ugh. All this stupid teen angst right? Ha. Sorry. That got a little too melodramatic 90210 for me. So music. People nowadays, especially kids my age, are always trying to be different. But by being different, they're fitting in. Does that make any sense?  

Well, let me put it in a better context. Take Fall out Boy for example. Before My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark I wonder how many people were devout followers of Fall Out Boy. I know I had never heard them before that song. But after that, there was this revolution of Fall Out Boy. And suddenly Fall Out Boy became everybody's favorite. Now their songs are constantly played on the radio. *cough* Centuries. There new found popularity is not something I'm cribbing about. I want to make that very clear. I love Fall Out Boy. I listen to their music on almost a daily basis now-old and new. My point is, that being unique has become the norm, Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco walk side by side with Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift. They've cemented their place in the mainstream. Maybe not everyone has heard their music, but their names have been heard and spoken countless times. 

If you were a Fall Out Boy fan before they were "cool" just simmer down okay? We love the same band. There's no need to defend them to us. Yes, they're good. Some of us just hadn't discovered them yet. Fall Out Boy isn't the only one that's made this jump from the fringes to the crowd, Lana Del Rey is another great example. Her slow dream pop music was unlike anything playing on the radio, but how many times did you hear Summertime Sadness and Young and Beautiful a year or so ago? Yeah, I don't think I can tally that high either. The world may run out of Expo. 

Whether music is popular or inconspicuous, it’s personal. Just because something becomes popular, doesn't automatically make it bad and something you can never listen to again. Music is honest, so don't lie to yourself about your hates and loves. If you listen to screamo and Taylor Swift- go figure! Most importantly, don't let anyone let go of the things you love because they don't.

"You've got to find yourself alone in this world/ You've got to find yourself alone"-Oceans

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