Sunday, April 5, 2015

Clear Eyes-Full Hearts-Can't Lose

Lately, I've been wondering what happened to Adele. One of my friends told me she got nodes and she couldn't sing anymore and I thought that sounded like bullshit so I searched her up on the ever reliable Wikipedia. Apparently, she's on a hiatus and her next album should be coming out soon. So ladies and gentlemen, get ready for some heartbreaking music. Also I started watching Friday Night Lights-the show. I haven't watched the movie or read the book yet, but I plan to if its as amazing as this show. 

First off, I've never understood football. To me, football has always been soccer and I have never understood the obsession of football with the USA. What's so great about watching a game getting stopped every couple of seconds or minutes where guys crash into each other? Why was there so much angst over it? Why were people going gaga over this game-recording game tapes, screaming with intense passion, and treating the Superbowl like an unscheduled holiday? I didn't understand and I never tried too, until now. 

If I was Buddha, then watching FNL was meditation, and the story was enlightenment. I've reached my football Nirvana folks. Yet, I still don't understand how the plays exactly work or what a fullback is supposed to do. Here's what I do know, football is more than a game, just like any sport. There's so much riding on it though. It surprised me how much people care about it, but more than that how much people can rely on it. The town of Dillon is defined by football. Without football, Dillon, Texas wouldn't be Dillon, Texas and Tim Riggins wouldn't be saying,"Texas forever." 

In the end, what it boils down to is heart. How much of yourself are you willing to bet? I've always sort of thought of Buddy Garrity as annoying, but over time I've realized that football and him are a married couple. He loves it just like Coach and the players and almost the entire town. If they lose a game, it's heartbreak. It kills them inside. Football is the one thing that is going for these small-town people. I know that no matter how impoverished you are, a game can be life-changing. The simple clarity you gleam while playing is indescribable. The happiness fills you like a balloon and you rise above everything else. From up there, it's a different world so why wouldn't you play?

Hometown Glory-Adele 

Friday Night Lights Emmy Awards Trailer(*semi-spoiler alert*)

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