Monday, June 29, 2015

June 26th #LoveWins

How many of you have been seeing this?

Why is the White House a rainbow? Well here's what happened. On June 26th, the Supreme Court gave marriage equality rights to the LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) population because they realized it was one of the basic rights of the Constitution. June 26th has become now a monumental day. It's the success story of decades of work, of people fighting for their rights. Obama might be ending his presidential term next year, but he will always be remembered for this.

Check out his speech on the ruling:

I'm not naive enough to believe that this will be the end of all the hatred against LGBT people. As a country who rules to grant equal liberties, the people who do oppose this ruling can't be forced to change their mind. Some people might never agree and treat LGBT humans as equals. This could stem from their own personal beliefs like religion. The job of this ruling wasn't to change everybody's mind, but it was to give these people who have fought so diligently, for so long just to be considered equal in the eyes of the law. I hope people realize that by opening your mind to new possibilities doesn't necessarily mean abandoning your beliefs or your God. One does not have to cancel the other. The world we live in today has made change essential. In the end, human beings have their own minds and it's up to them whether they buy a ticket or not. 

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