Sunday, June 7, 2015

What time is it?

I have a dream. I have a dream where I don't waste my summers. I'm that kid who always wakes up at 11, never has breakfast and just goes straight to brunch, laggies around the rest of the day like a bum watching Netflix and eating Rice Krispie treats while sometimes walking to pick up the remote. Meet da bum. On the other hand, in my head there is better me-even maybe a perfect me(yes, i know nobody's perfect Miley made that crystal clear)-who actually gives a damn.

 A person who goes to sleep at a decent hour and wakes up at a decent one. One who knows that working out will actually benefit even if it sucks. One that realizes that summer as long as it seems will be short once you get to the end and you've done absolutely nothing and have nothing to show for it. I'm not saying buy a typewriter and crank out a novel, I'm saying do something you haven't done. Most of us are so self-deprecating. We have no faith in ourselves. I don't if it's because we're too scared or too lazy. The line seems to pretty blurry these days.

You know if there's one thing I've learned this year, it's that the only thing that fucks things up is your head. I'm not the physically strongest, but my mental strength can give anyone a run for their money and I think that's what makes a difference in the end. It isn't about how far you can run, it's about how far are you willing to run. 

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